Picture Perfect
Amidst the shopping, the eating continues. This being the school holidays, it was a rare chance for us to partake of Kuriya's famed Ladies' Set Lunches. Think a parade of delicious and dainty little aesthetically pleasing morsels. Anyway, who can resist any of their sets, so here they are, in all their picturesque glory...
Ladies' Set Lunch ($25++)
The menus change every month. This was June's.

Sushi Gyozen ($43++)

Ladies' Set Lunch ($25++)
The menus change every month. This was June's.

grilled unagi salad

tempura of fig, asparagus and other surprises

beef-stuffed cabbage rolls


pumpkin and red bean cake

a Kuriya 10th Anniversary freebie
Sushi Gyozen ($43++)



close-up of chawan mushi


macha (green tea) ice cream

no, not lunch
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